An easy way to replace the broken Blu-Ray

Blue Ray has a weakness, it broke cans. If the lens Blu-Ray already broken, you should replace it. If Blu-Ray is you take it to Sony Replacement, then you can be charged around £ 155. Such costs can be reduced, if you can replace the defective component by yourself. The cost you'll spend about £ 56. Quite cheap, is not it?! This video shows how to replace Blu-Ray KES-410. Playstaion that we use is the type CECHK 80GB. You can do it yourself at home.

Constantine cheat codes and combos

Constantine cheat codes and combosConstantine cheat codes, please remember if you entered the code correctly, the screen will flash.And don't forget: while you are playing the game, press select to enter the journal screen, then press the following codes, such as: Rapid fire shotgun : L2, Left, R2, Left, Circle, Square, Circle, Square. And you can shoot green fireballs too: Circle(3), Left, Right(3), Left, Square(2).

•  Level skip
 Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Square, Circle(2), Square(4), Circle(2).

•  Invincibility
 Left, Right(2), Left(2), Right(2), Left, Square(2).

•  Infinite ammunition
 Square, R2(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, Circle(2), Left, Right. Alternately, press Left, Right, Left, Square, Triangle, Square(2), Triangle(2), Square, Triangle, Square(2), Triangle(2).

•  Infinite Spell Soul energy
 Left, Right(2), Left(2), Right(2), Left, Circle(2).

•  One shot kills
 R2, Left, Right(4), Square(2).

•  Rapid fire Luger
 R2, Left, L2, Left, Square, Circle, Square, Circle.

•  Explosive Holy Bombs
 Right, Left, Square, Circle, Square, Circle, Left, Right.

•  Shoot small fireballs
 Circle(3), Left, Right(2), Left, Right, Left.

•  Shoot large fireballs
 Circle(3), Left, Right(2), Left(2), Right.

•  Shoot purple fireballs
 Circle(3), Left, Right(3), Left, Circle(2).

•  First person mode
 R2, L2(2), R2, Left(2), Right(2).

•  Blurry mode
 Square, R2(2), Circle(2), Right(2).

•  Big weapons
 Left, Square(3), Triangle(3).

•  Big demon heads
 R2, Left, Right, Left(2), Right, Left, R2.

•  Slow motion demons
 Square, R2, Right, Circle(3), Left(2).

•  Display game timer
 Circle(4), Square(4), Left.

•  Defeating Gabriel
Use your Dragon Breath gun to take away more life than any other gun you have.

•  Defeating Kang-ore
At the center of Hell's Library you will meet Kang-ore. This dragon will rise up from the center of the room and breathe fire as well as dive towards you. If you run around the room shooting him in the head with either The Crucifier or The Witches Curse he will die rather quickly.


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